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Call Charlie or Gaynor

01242 895272


Trips Graded with an Intermediate Difficulty Level

Explore Intermediate

Moderate trips.

Trips Graded Intermediate Highlights

Challenge yourself with longer walking days and more ups and downs.

As always, enjoy our fully inclusive, exceptional trek support along the way.

Trips to inspire

Trips with an Intermediate Grading

Charity Trip
View this trip - Madeira Coast to Coast Atlantic Adventure

Madeira, Europe

Madeira Coast to Coast Atlantic Adventure

6 days

Charity Trip
View this trip - Dalai Lama Trek

India, Asia

Dalai Lama Trek


Charity Trip

England, Europe

South Downs Way Half Marathon Trek

1 day

Charity Trip
View this trip - The Pacuare Challenge

Costa Rica, The Americas

The Pacuare Challenge

8 days

Charity Trip
View this trip - The Jebel Shams Traverse

Oman, Middle East

The Jebel Shams Traverse

6 days

Charity Trip
View this trip - Mount Toubkal Summit

Morocco, Africa

Mount Toubkal Summit

6 days

Charity Trip
View this trip - Jordan & Petra Quick Dash

Jordan, Middle East

Jordan & Petra Quick Dash

5 days

Speak to Charlie or Gaynor - Tribal Tracks

Speak to Charlie or Gaynor

Let’s get you on the right track!

Call Charlie or Gaynor

01242 895272