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01242 895272



Explore Peru

Peru, land of the Incas and home to Machu Picchu, could have been designed for adventure.
Map of Peru

Peru Highlights

A marriage of natural beauty and rich cultural heritage makes Peru one of our favourite destinations.  One of the very best ways to experience what it is has to offer is by trekking through the rich and varied landscapes.

Trek to Machu Picchu, one of the New Seven Wonders of the world, discovering little known Inca sites on the way.

Experience rich local cultures, both ancient and modern, and learn some of the local language.

Explore Cusco and its sites while acclimatising.

Marvel at the natural beauty; from the rolling hills of the Sacred Valley, to the towering, snow capped Andes.

Wild camp in remote landscapes, while enjoying amazing, freshly cooked, local food on our fully supported treks.

Trips to inspire

Peru Trips

Charity Trip
View this trip - To Machu Picchu on the Lares Trail

Peru, The Americas

To Machu Picchu on the Lares Trail

10 days

Charity Trip
View this trip - To Machu Picchu by the Salkantay Trail

Peru, The Americas

To Machu Picchu by the Salkantay Trail

11 days

Happy travellers

Client Profiles

Deborah - Conquering Nepal | Tribal Tracks Traveller Profile and Review

Deborah - Conquering Nepal

My top tip is just to enjoy it and soak up the experience! Try not to go with any preconceived ideas or expectations and just embrace everything that comes your way. We originally had planned to go to Machu Picchu but that had to be cancelled a few months before the trip due to civil unrest there. Initially I wasn’t keen to change my plans, but I am so glad that I trusted Tribal Tracks and went to Nepal instead. I am sure Machu Picchu would have been incredible too, but I feel I ended up where I was meant to be.

I am Deborah. I am 46 years old, live in Scotland, very close to Carnoustie, with my husband Greg, step daughter Olivia, 5 dogs, cat and 6 chickens!!

View full profile

Areas & Highlights


Some of the things you can expect to experience in our Peru Trips


Salkantay Trek

A high altitude alternative to the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu.


Lares Trail

Trek the Lares Trail to Machu Picchu.



A vibrant town.


Machu Picchu

Visit the home of the Inca.


Trekking at Altitude

Challenge yourself to reach new heights on a high altitude trek.



Trek through rich, tropical rainforests, alive with wildlife and amazing flora and fauna.


Jungle Wildlife

Interesting creatures abound such as sloth, monkeys and amazing birdlife.


Star Gazing

No light pollution leads to amazing night time skies.


Trek with Mules

Get to know these real characters as they trek with you, under the skilled control of their devoted muleteers.


Local Culture

Find out about the local communities you are trekking through; their customs, religion, believes and cuisine.


Wild Camping

Experience sleeping under canvas, in the most beautiful, wild, locations.

Speak to Charlie or Gaynor - Tribal Tracks

Speak to Charlie or Gaynor

Let’s get you on the right track!

Call Charlie or Gaynor

01242 895272